I love this time of year. Moving from Hibernal Solstice into Midwinter and ultimately the transition into the Spring Equinox is truly palpable to our bodies in many ways, and I believe most of all through our nervous systems.
When we begin to sense that the warm weather is returning, that the Sun is coming back, that the days begin to become longer, all these things stimulate emotions steeped in our memory. Sympathetic Nervous system responses we have learned and inherited from our ancestors in regard to the importance of this time of year, which meant the return of vegetation, growth, crops and all the things we need to survive, start to kick in. It's a time when hope feels palpable. We rejoice in the first findings of flowers and feeling warm sunshine on our skin. We start to feel a sense of ease in knowing new beginnings and a sort of fresh start is around the corner. It’s a time of rebirth.
This year’s Spring Equinox feels a little more special to me. Looking back at the last three years and what we have been through collectively I see a lot of residual trauma. I see it in small ways and I see it in big ways. It manifests differently in everyone, but it’s present in us all.
Doing what we do as stylists gives us a unique opportunity to connect with folks on a much deeper level, which is certainly one of the privileges of this work. Overall, a common theme is that we as a whole are suffering a sort of PTSD around the last three years, the pandemic, and many other things that have come to the forefront in our society.
Another common theme is that we are done with the status quo. We are searching for something better, more meaningful, connection to something greater. We are learning to let go of things that don’t serve us. We are leaning into things that nourish us. We are learning better boundaries. Hopefully with that we will also learn to let go of reactivity and embrace communication.
With Spring comes a new opportunity to nourish ourselves. More and more research is showing that anxiety is also tied to our digestive systems and healthy gut microbiome. Spring gifts us some of our best digestive system allies. Dandelions with their bitter properties which help stimulate gastric juices, Violets with their soothing, cooling properties to help soothe irritated tissues, and so many more herbal allies.
Nourishment in the form of movement and circulation. Spring and the return of warmth gives us the opportunity to get outside more, move our bodies. It gives us the opportunity to gather with friends and explore nature. To forest bathe and reconnect with the land…which is something that we all need and is a FUNDAMENTAL part of soothing our nervous systems. To actually connect with the Earth, to “ground”. Breathe in deeply those beautiful and volatile oils emitted from our Cedars and Pines through the heat given by our Sun. So tonic to us!
A simple, light and fun way to embrace new beginnings is cutting your hair. This actually holds deep meaning in some cultures and embodies a symbolic gesture of letting go. It really does feel so nice to get a haircut. It can be simple, or you can choose a completely new direction on how you present yourself to the world, the choice is yours! If you really want a change, you can also change your hair color. Spring gives us a spectacular palette of vivids and pastels to inspire our creativity!
With the Spring Equinox, we feel the yearning and recognize the opportunity to obtain this nourishment through our instincts, fed by our nervous systems. This year it feels more important to get out there and do it. Wishing everyone a truly joyous Spring. May it give you the nourishment you need.
*We are currently featuring the artwork of @janegreendream on our walls in the salon. The image below is one of her beautiful images infusing hair and the botanical kingdom, and yes…that is me kissing a Dandelion <3.