February is a time every calendar year that gives rise to the crave for rest, restoration and looking ahead without a sense of urgency, but rather a gathering of energy through rest and reflection. Of course it always makes me think of one of the most loved/loathed days…Valentine's day, and with that, inevitably my mind goes to the Rose, although over the last 3 years..Rose has been a steady companion for all its attributes.
With over 150 species of this fragrant flower growing in the Northern Hemisphere, the rose has quite a history and story to tell.
It is believed that Roses began being cultivated in gardens across Asia over 5,000 years ago. Every culture has had a strong affinity and tie to this magnificent plant. From Ancient Rome, where they were used in baths, as confetti for celebrations, as medicine and perfume. In fact many different cultures are known for using Rose in perfumery in a variety of rituals and forms.
There are several stories about the origin of attar (the essential oils made of rose petals), including one involving Mughal emperor Jahangir, who is credited as the first patron of the industry because his wife, empress Noor Jahan was a connoisseur and used to bathe in water perfumed with rose petals.
From a metaphysical or from an Astro Herbalism standpoint, Rose is ruled by the planet Venus. You see the physical attributions of Venus and Venusian qualities in how Rose presents as being soft, velvety and sweetly fragrant. You may attribute the thorns however, to being affinitive with Mars, the “God” of War. Perhaps The Rose in this way represents the balance in all things. Possessing the full spectrum of qualities.
Rose is most famously known for its use in perfumery. In Herbalism Rose is used in many forms to support the Physical and Spiritual Heart. It may be blended with Hawthorn ( also from the Rose family) or Motherwort. It may be used as a flower essence to support someone who may be experiencing grief or sadness. It may be used as a glycerite (infused into glycerin) for the same reason. The dry flowers may be steeped into tea. They are astringent and contain many vitamins, minerals, flavonoids and other antioxidants. They can be distilled, either through an alembic still or even through a DIY situation using sanitized pots in your own home to make Rose water. This is called a hydrosol. Hydrosol of Rose or Rose water can be used in many ways. You can spritz it on desserts, you can use it in a beverage including Botanical mocktails or cocktails, and of course the more famous way to use it is in the skin as a facial tonic to help soothe dry irritated skin.
Powdered Rose can be used in making beverages and desserts. My favorite source for powdered Rose is through Anima Mundi Apothecary. We carry it at the salon. This powder can also be used to infuse in a carrier oil to make beautiful Rose Oil.
Rose has been known throughout the centuries and in many cultures for matters of the Heart. This is how I like to think of this beautiful and ancient ally. There are so many ways to incorporate Rose into our lives and into our rituals. They are not simply just a flower to give a loved one on Valentines day, although that is a lovely sentiment. Rose goes much deeper than that, and in such soft and delicate ways. Rose is sophisticated, sensual, soft, and nourishing to the Heart in so many fragrant and delicious ways.