Hair means many different things in many different cultures. Whether it's your go-to accessory, a defining statement of your essence, or sometimes just an effortless part of your routine – holds a timeless significance as a means of expression and identity. Across centuries and cultures, our hair symbolizes much more than strands; it embodies tradition, spirituality, and personal history.
Consider the tales throughout history; from Sampson's strength linked to his hair in Biblical stories to the sacred importance of hair in Native American culture where it is linked to Mother Earth, and is rarely cut. It is a strong part of their identity in the community, sacred. When they cut their hair, it represents the end of something that once was and a new beginning. Traditionally, when the hair was cut, it was never to be thrown away, but rather, burned with sage or sweetgrass in a ceremonial way. When the hair is burned, thoughts, prayers, dreams, aspirations, experiences, and history rise to the Creator to be properly taken care of. For ancient Samurai warriors, cutting their hair was a statement of retirement. During The Edo period, they wore their hair in a topknot to secure their headgear. This look later became a status symbol in Japanese society. Sumo wrestlers still wear this look today.
Depending upon the time and place on earth in which one lives, the hair on one’s head (or the lack thereof) has had intense significance. Belief systems and folklore have long dictated how hair was to be handled and worn: tied up, covered up, grown long, cut short, shaved off, crimped, colored, and curled, decorated, twisted, braided, and more. But for many societies, the longer the hair was, the better.
Hair has also been a means of discriminatory attitudes, even in recent times. African Americans have most often been discriminated against for wearing their hair in natural form. Only recently have there been significant movements and even legislation fighting for the rights against discrimination, such as The Crown Act . We are getting better as a society in our awareness around the racist and unfair treatment in general that our African American brothers and sisters have had to endure, but there is still a long way to go.
Let's get practical! Thinking of our hair as a delicate fiber akin to cherished silk garments prompts the need for better care. Much like you'd shield a silk dress from scorching heat, your hair deserves equal protection, especially when experimenting with new styles or straightening. Preparing your beautiful strands to withstand stress is vital for their health and radiance.
Creating a healthy hair environment begins with proper cleansing. It's vital to avoid harsh, abrasive, or silicone-based products that can accumulate over time, forming a barrier that blocks crucial moisture absorption. Retaining some of the scalp's natural oils is essential. Surprisingly, by avoiding excessive cleansing, you can break the cycle of 'having to wash daily due to oily hair.' This approach signals the scalp's network to regulate oil production, maintaining a balanced, less oily environment. The scalp acts as a crucial defense against infections. Over-cleansing strips away protective oils, leaving the scalp vulnerable to cuts and infections and causing the body to overcompensate by producing more oil, impacting the scalp's health and flexibility."
A healthy scalp and its follicles below will definitely have an effect on how supple and nourished the hair will be as it works its way through. Besides a proper cleansing ritual, Acupressure and/or Guasha are things you could incorporate to your routine. With Guasha, a special type of comb is used to graze over the scalp with precise pattern and pressure to stimulate blood flow and oxygen to the scalp and the follicles. Necessary ingredients for nourishment. Acupressure and scalp massage help in the same way. Added benefits also include supporting your body's energy flow, or qi. But I digress….HAIR!
Your hair, once it emerges from the scalp, is essentially a 'dead' substance, much like a cherished fiber awaiting transformation into a magnificent tapestry. Its unique texture and pattern demand care and reverence, just as you'd honor a treasured fabric passed down by ancestors. Treat it lovingly, infuse it with ritual, and let it be an extension of your creative expression.
So, whether you weave intricate styles or keep it elegantly simple, let your hair be your most joyful accessory, an outward reflection of your identity in the world. Have fun with it, cherish it, and celebrate its essence.