The Beauty of Providence
This has certainly been an interesting Winter. I must admit that I am struggling a little as I write this because I, on the one hand, want to share my enthusiasm I have for the upcoming Spring Season. The awakening of all of the plant life and trees beginning to bloom around us, the birds, bees and butterflies coming back to create the lovely and lively eco system full of texture, sound and color. My enthusiasm for people starting to gather in the city. Pedestrian traffic everywhere.
However on the other hand I can’t ignore, and must honor the ongoing hardships with this new war we are witnessing in Ukraine. All of the injustices that take place daily. Our tireless yet exhausting fight to change things for the better. Slowly coming out of the Covid world ready to enjoy the little and not so little things again.
There is a saying and understanding in the spiritual world that everyone has a role and participates in the healing process in one way or another, even when what they do isn’t blatantly obvious in it’s healing ability or in it’s importance. You don’t necessarily have to be the one on a podium preaching/teaching to make a difference. We can all make a difference in many ways, small and big. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is make someone smile, genuinely make them smile. Or laugh. The important thing is to be active, contribute in some way. That is the purpose and power of community. Anyway…I digress. What I am trying to say is that despite how hard things are and can be, it’s just as important to not lose sight of the good things we have around us. The things we look forward to, because those are the things that can help pull someone out of a very low moment. Something beautiful to look forward to and to hold hope for.
With that I will share my eager anticipation for the Spring to unfold! There are so many awesome things that happen in our city as the ice begins to thaw out and the landscape begins to bloom.
Take a look at the area around Flipp and all of the amazing small and unique businesses we have around us. Great little cafes, really cool and unique food trucks and restaurants, an outdoor beer garden next to a lovely sunflower field, 10,000 Suns! Cute little shops (NAVA just got a facelift!), a beautiful pedestrian area extending to India Point park…and the waterfront! Walking around the city, you can spot so many incredible murals done with the help of the Avenue Concept and a variety of incredibly talented street artists. If you love coffee as much as I do, the choices are a whirlwind! In one block alone you can choose from Coffee Exchange, Dave’s, Seven Stars, L’Artisan, and Bolt inside of RISD. With just a 5/10 minute walk you can go from having a great little cocktail/mocktail at Tiny bar or one of the many great little spots around South Main, South Water and the jewelry/knowledge district to the RISD Museum or the Providence Athenaeum. Feeling like something sweet while perusing some art? Small Format on Wickenden street is a great place supporting local artists. Plant City has amazing Vegan desserts and you can do a little food shop for all of your vegan needs.
Late Spring is also when the outdoor markets begin and the Providence Flea is a staple! Let’s not forget about Waterfire and all activities happening there such as food vendors, artisan vendors and entertainment, all while walking the city. Michael S. Van Leesten memorial bridge has made it super easy and convenient to get to the West Side and Downtown from the Eastside and Vice Versa to explore all of the coolness in all areas of our little city…on foot.
All of this is just a fraction of what we have around us to enjoy. How healing it is to pack a little lunch and to sit at the waterfront? Chances are if you do it on a Friday you may run into the Providence Drum Troupe during a rehearsal. So beautiful in it’s simplicity.
So while we are navigating through some unsure moments still, and mixed feelings about a lot, Spring this year cannot come fast enough! I for one am super looking forward to greeting friends and exploring our little city and all the beautiful things it has to offer. To savor and enjoy these things, as some happiness and joy in these experiences are the fire to warm up a Winter that has been two and a half years too long.