A Note on Goals vs. Intentions
Here we are folks! It’s 2022, and a New Year has begun.
This past year has certainly been a full one, complete with challenges, joy, sorrow, fear, defiance and everything in between. Anxiety has been at its highest and doubt also has been prevalent. We have had a lot to think about, and also have had the opportunity to explore ways in which we can serve ourselves in much more meaningful and significant ways.
I have come to an awareness within myself and I believe that many of us fall into this. We have developed this idea or ritual (if you will), that with every approaching New Year we have to set a list of goals/resolutions. We set expectations within ourselves that quite frankly most of the time are too many, too big, too far out in time or “end result” motivated and are unrealistic. In my opinion this sets us up for disappointment and can even feed into our subconscious beliefs that we aren’t already enough, or good enough as we are at the present time. This also feeds into the “What’s next?” and the “do more/have more” mindset which steals from us instead the mindset of being in the “here and now”, actually finding the joy and gratitude for what already is. To actually live in the moment and savor it, which does wonders for our sense of purpose, self esteem and overall sense of happiness.
Now, don’t get me wrong…I’m not saying we shouldn't have something that motivates us to strive for growth. This is where intention comes in. I believe it may be better for us to set intentions for ways that we can realistically nurture our process in growth. It can help change the road map and the journey on how to BECOME instead of merely arriving at a goal oriented destination.
Intentions can be set and honored in a plethora of ways, each unique to the individual. Tools like visualization, meditation and journaling are great. These tools also give you an opportunity to slow down and breathe deep, which in turn nourishes the nervous system, instead of a goal oriented race to the finish, or a you against the clock kind of attitude.
My sincere wishes for everyone in this new year are that we can all practice and enjoy the slow journey to manifesting our intentions. May we all find joy in the small things and the many moments that make up our hours, days and months ahead…one beautiful day at a time - minute by minute.