The subject of “Beauty” has been one of much controversy over the centuries. Going back to times when comprehensive verbal language hadn’t been invented yet, it is thought that physical attraction to another was steeped in instinct to procreate and keep our species alive. As we evolved, a shadow of those instincts probably live somewhere in our DNA, but it’s really not at the forefront. Rather, the idea of Beauty has become a more superficial and what is considered beautiful is both a concept different to each individual and at the same a concept used to start and sell trends that are targeted to appeal en mass. It certainly has been and is an interesting evolution to behold.
Beauty is synonymous with mystery in it’s poetic form. Beautiful landscapes, colors, textures inspire us to create, to draw, paint, write or to wander. Seeing something we consider to be beautiful stimulates endorphins, makes us feel happy, makes us smile. It has moved Kings and Queens, inspired poetry, music...makes us literally stop to smell the beautiful roses. Beauty is all around us, and within us.
As I say often, everything in existence has its shadow aspect, and it’s light aspect. The imbalance of these aspects is usually the root cause of some sort of “excess” or “deficiency”. The concept of “Beauty” is no different.
In it’s shadow aspect, it is used to manipulate, even to fool. The Italian word for “make-up” is Trucco (which means Trick). When we adorn ourselves for the sake of “capturing” others, this can be either fun and flirty, or not. The shadow side of this would be to hold yourself up to another’s standard of what they see as beauty. Conforming to another’s ideals, and feeling inadequate or not enough if you don’t. Believing that somehow you are inferior to someone or something else based upon a standard born in the superficial. Believing that Beauty is “skin deep” and purely physical, or one dimensional. We go at great lengths as a culture to harm ourselves psychologically when we take this path. Thankfully, those old ideals are ever dying with evolution, and we are finally starting to redefine beauty once again.
Self adornment in it’s light aspect is fun, carefree and a mode of self expression.
Folks in all cultures have and do use color, costume, aroma to invoke a sensation or express feeling/belief and communicate through ritual. This could also be as simple as a night out with friends, or on a first date. Choosing to “wear” your thoughts, feelings, and to express yourself visually. We do this every day and are probably not even aware of it. Even if you do nothing, you still speak to who you are at the moment, and there is nothing wrong or bad...again, it’s either shadow or light, or perhaps a mutable in between. The important piece is the awareness that YOU get to CHOOSE.
The way I (We see it)
I see Beauty as a feeling. I see it as the outer form of inner expression. I believe that each and every person can be their own “influencer” and feel joy in knowing that they are beautiful from the spark that made them (deep and introspective cosmic energy) to the way they decide to “paint” themselves, wear certain fabrics and shapes, and the way they wear their hair ( fun and playful energy). Although trends can give a little new spice to things, I am more apt to say JUST BE YOU.
Again, the shadow side is holding oneself to a dictated standard, the lighter side is freedom of expression in all you do, even in the form of self adornment, and the joy of saying to the world ”this is who I am”...because YOU get to decide. Beauty isn’t some superficial standard, it’s what inspires us to dream. It comes from within, and radiates outward. The adornments are the icing, and they can look or be however and whatever you choose.
As an Herbalist, I also see how this form of self expression/transformation and self awareness follows the same process of the seven steps in Alchemy, with the difference being it is a shared experience instead of the Alchemist alone performing/creating the transformation. After all, I do see everything “As above, So below”, What happens in the Macrocosm also plays out in the Microcosm...same patterns, so of course I can see this Alchemical pattern as far as the subjects of Beauty + Self awareness are concerned.
A perfect plant ally for this very subject is Horsetail. This plant contains more Silica than any other plant on Earth. Silica strengthens the hair and nails, is great for the skin as it’s also a diuretic and supports clearing stagnation through the kidneys. It’s great for the bones, teeth, ligaments and tendons (representing our foundational structure), therefore can be seen as an ally for maintaining healthy boundaries, re-enforcing the courage to BE YOU. This beautiful plant extract is in a few of the products we use on you when you come to see us.<3
We hope to be the artists/alchemists to bring it out of you...the final stage of your alchemical process, your inner essence to manifest outward and of course we will strive to make it joyful and most of all, FUN!