It’s all connected.
We have always promoted the message that beauty (health and radiance) begins from within the body first, and extends outward. There are so many factors, especially in these times that make it challenging to get proper nutrition, rest and time to nourish the inner self from an energetic and spiritual level. We are all currently living with some form of chaos and upheaval. Some more than others. It can feel unnerving and exhausting for sure.
Hopefully, without sounding rhetorical, I believe there is hope. There is a shift propelling us forward and a desire for change. We can see some evidence of it even through the shadows of the dark events happening around us.
When we are overwhelmed there are still some small ways we can gain a little control of our situation and create space for a little ,much needed, self care and support. I LOVE Herbal infusions and tisane for this. A moment to sit in front of a hot cup of nourishing plant medicine within itself is a ritual to make you stop and slow down for a moment. Maybe pause and reflect, or incorporate some deep breathing. Small gestures that can have a big impact and not feel like “another thing to do”.
As a Herbalist, my philosophy is there is really no such thing as a “one size fits all” remedy, and to obtain true healing there is a journey and process that one must engage in together with themselves, their herbalist and their physician. At times, it can take a village but it starts with small steps and with a promise to the self.
As I mentioned in a previous blog post, there is an intricate and innate physical and emotional connection between the Enteric Nervous System and the Central Nervous System, the gut-brain connection. I wanted to talk about a common thing we are seeing as a result of what we believe are the times we are in.
Here at the salon, we have had many conversations with folks that are all seeing the same symptom manifest. Hair loss/ thinning. Across the board, like never before. We believe that the main reason we are seeing this happen is the constant underlying low (or high) level stress (fight, flight or freeze) that we have all been living with since the initial lockdowns and everything that has happened collectively in the last 10 months. This type of stress can affect that gut-brain connection in a plethora of ways, and inturn inhibit the way we assimilate our nutrients, the way we breathe, hormonal fluctuation, and the way we recuperate through sleep.
First and foremost we would have to determine that there are no other underlying factors that could be contributing to this happening, and so there would be a need for a deeper look.
Some herbs that have shown to gently support this particular symptom (hair loss) are;
Rosemary, Brahmi, Burdock (decoction or cooked in with your food) and Nettles
These help circulation, High in Vitamin C, nutritious and high in Iron, which plays a role in carrying oxygen and hemoglobin. Crucial for nourishing the follicles, growth and repair of the cells. Again, we would have to look at the individual, and any underlying issue there may be causing the symptom of the hair loss, and pair that with the proper herb considering it’s energetics and actions.
Herbs that can support the ease of the nervous system and help manage the stress response aka “nervines”:
Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Passionflower, Milky Oats, Lavender, Linden flower, Hibiscus.
These herbs have many “actions” associated with their chemistry, and are also considered “tonic” and gentle and nourishing for the nervous system, some supporting the digestive system as well.
Adaptogenic herbs.
These are herbs that help our bodies “adapt” to the current stress levels that we may find ourselves dealing with. They are generally tonic, nourishing and regulating to the adrenals, hypothalamus, and pituitary glands. They can help you feel less fatigued, and provide support through challenging times. That said, it is important to grapple with the underlying stressors, as to not just treat the problem by applying a “bandaid”. Sometimes it’s just not healthy to plough through a stressful situation, rather tackle it at the root. Adaptogens are certainly wonderful allies, but in my opinion, not a long term strategy.
Each herb, just as each person, has it’s energetics and qualities so it’s always best to consult with a qualified Herbalist that can help with the info you need for the support you seek. Please feel free to reach out to me anytime for more in depth info. We also offer blends that are energetically balanced so as to not influence the constitution too far in any direction (too cooling or heating) with a focus on nervous system support at the salon. They will be available online, for now call to order.
Remember we can utilize our plant allies topically! Scalp treatments, made with herbs, clays, and or different plant butters can be super beneficial. They stimulate blood and oxygen to the scalp and follicles to promote needed nourishment, remove excess build up that may weaken the follicles, especially if you are using products with synthetic ingredients designed to “tame” the hair, and help promote a healthy microbiome through exfoliation. Some sebum and natural oils on your scalp are important to flush out the gunk and dirt from your pores and hair follicles. However, if you let dead human skin cells accumulate for long enough, you can provide a breeding ground for bad bacteria to cultivate. Rosemary is great externally when prepared with other herbs to form a mixture for the scalp. It’s one of the main ingredients we use for our scalp treatments which I (Jo-Anna) am offering as a virtual at home treatment/service until I return to the salon. I am not charging for the service, only for the materials provided which will be available for curbside pickup or local delivery prior to the class.
Other things we have in house that are specific for scalp/follicle health and hair growth are the Micro-stimulating Hair Bath by Oway, and Tonik by Cult and King. Tonik includes Horsetail extract which is super rich in Silica, an essential mineral for collagen production and is also absorbed through the skin and scalp. Micro stimulating hair bath contains Horse Chestnut extract which stimulates blood circulation and helps reduce inflammation and irritation. These two products are excellent, non toxic and come in refillable/reusable/completely recyclable glass vessels.
Hopefully you find this info helpful! We are always here to provide connection, and to provide an uplifting experience to help ease the stress. Keep an eye out for the virtual At HomeTreatments, as we will also combine TeaTime with every treatment! I would love to see your faces, teach you about the herbs we are sipping, and also guide you through a fun and helpful treatment you can do in the comfort of your home. You can book the session as you would normally through Schedulicity under “classes”. Again, I am not charging for the service, or the class, only for the kits you will receive prior to the service. These kits will include all the herbs, and ingredients you will need. Meet up will be held on Zoom, so I can see you all and to best guide the process. More in depth info in our next newsletter.
For now, be well, take care of each other, and see you soon.
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The information in this blog is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. No information on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition.