Symbiosis of the Nervous System, the Digestive System and Immunity
Most of us have experienced discomfort in our bellies during some sort of stressful situation. Anxiety before an exam, moving to a new place, changing jobs, getting married, losing a loved one...all sorts of things that we humans experience that directly affect the way we feel. The nervous system and the digestive system are symbiotic in the way our bodies feel and manifest the results of tension, anxiety and stress.
When the nervous system is taxed it provokes all kinds of metabolic responses, which in turn can cause all kinds of inflammatory issues, inside and out...hello eczema. Interestingly, it is said that the gut is the “first” brain, as we are forming, also the reason for the instinctual intelligence of “I have a gut feeling about…” Our instincts are rarely wrong, if we could slow down and truly learn to examine and listen. Those gut feelings ironically send out all kinds of signals to the body and brain through the central nervous system. Vice versa, when we are anxious about something, oftentimes we experience all kinds of GI symptoms.
When these systems are experiencing imbalance, the immune system and its functions are also affected.
This is just the tip of the iceberg on a much more in depth subject matter...but for the sake of a simple blog post, I think y’all get the gist.
So what to do in a moment where we need to try to maintain optimal health in a moment of extreme insecurity and upheaval in the world, without feeling overwhelmed by having to “do” yet another thing? Yes meditation, yes nature walks, yes physical movement and healthy eating and staying hydrated. I also believe in the power of plants, and believe they also should be part of the equation. That can happen in a very comforting, simple way. A Tisana.
A Tisana, simply put, is an herbal “tea”. Technically the word “tea” only refers to the Green or Black tea leaf species. Flowers, herbs, roots and barks are Tisane or Herbal Decoctions.
A hot cup of an herbal blend in these times is priceless in my opinion. It’s simple, accessible, affordable, comforting, and therapeutic. Especially an energetically balanced blend of herbs that supports both the nervous system and the digestive system without being too polarized energetically by being too “cooling” or too “warming” to the constitution. Sipping on these supportive blends is such a hug to the soul. It forces you to stop and take a break, take a breath, relax. You just have to let go...the plants will do the rest.
Looking for some herbal love in your life? We’ve got you covered. Just reach out, or pick one up at your next visit to Flipp.
The information in this blog is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. No information on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition.