Covid19 Update
As you know, restrictions are starting to ease up in certain areas, and for certain situations, however, due to the nature of what we do and the close proximity we keep with everyone, we must continue to maintain our protocols. This means masks must be worn for the duration of your appointment and we will also continue to do everything we have been doing to keep all of our guests and clients safe.
The decision of the CDC is like a broad brush that makes general decisions and unfortunately doesn't consider nuance in various sectors and industry, like ours. From the very beginning we have had to figure things out with very little guidance. We, like our frontline workers, are client facing. We physically touch people and are with them for hours at a time depending on the service. We are also regulated by the Health Department, so we have to do things differently than most other businesses.
We are also really looking forward to a time where we don't have to worry, but for now we feel the best decision is to maintain a strategy that we know works. Only half of Rhode Islanders have been vaccinated thus far, and numbers are trending in the right direction as far as infection rates. We don't know who is and isn't vaccinated, nor do we want to ask. Once that total is greater, and the numbers look better, will be the time when we can reassess. As of now, we aim to keep everyone safe.
We have a little area outside where you can sit and relax if you need to remove your mask for a bit, but for must be worn at all times inside the studio.
We really appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we continue to navigate through these unique times! Our biggest priority besides your fab new look, is your safety.
To do our part, we will continue to uphold all of the protocols we put in place as far as keeping our studio sanitary by:
Keeping the windows open and the door ajar by at least 4 inches at all times for a constant influx of fresh air, and with this, the added heaters necessary to keep the space warm. We promise we will do our best to keep you warm and comfortable!!
We continue to change out smocks and sanitize the stations between clients
Our Ozone generator with UV light runs twice over night. This creates an unlivable environment, which is why we run it overnight, when no one is there. Normal oxygen levels are restored by 6AM. Sounds isn't. It's Science.
We continue to wear masks at all times while inside the Salon.
PLEASE if you are feeling ill in any way or have been exposed to Covid19 or the Flu virus, we ask that you contact us to reschedule your appointment for the proper quarantine time required. We will happily assist you.
PLEASE wear you mask at ALL TIMES while in the Salon. Please have it on BEFORE you enter.
Please wear it so that it COVERS BOTH YOUR NOSE AND MOUTH. Please choose a mask that fits properly, fits AROUND THE EARS and not a mask that ties behind your head, so we can design your look properly by reaching those hard to get at areas.
Please do not bring a beverage or food, as that would require you to remove your mask. We promise to bring back our beverage service as soon as we can (we miss it too!).
With all of that said, WE THANK YOU for your continued support and understanding. We will get through this...we can DO IT, but it takes a collective takes all of us. It takes cooperation.
The Flippfam